Referral / Affiliate Program

Interested in earning money from referring others to LexiConn? Our Affiliate Program offers you recurring revenue for any accounts that signup with LexiConn. Your only responsibility is the referral: NO support, NO billing.

The program works by giving you a recurring percentage of the hosting fees per month for any client that signs up with LexiConn. This referral fee starts after a client has been with LexiConn for 30 days. On the right is a table showing the breakdown of monthly income based on the number of referrals.

Sign up for the Affiliate Program

Referrals will be counted only if LexiConn can positively identify that the referral came from you directly. This can be accomplished through either the signup form mentioning you as the referral, you notifying LexiConn of a potential client that will signup for our services, or by using our affiliate referral URL to direct users to LexiConn from your website. You also must have previously signed up for our Referral Program by completing the signup form linked above.

Monthly Fees

Number of Accounts Commission Rate *
1-25 10% recurring
26-50 15% recurring
51+ 20% recurring

* Determined by base price of shared hosting accounts only.
** A one time commission of $75.00 will be provided for the referral of any Managed Server package.

Affiliate payments are processed each month once the total commission exceeds $50.00.

Read Terms and Conditions

Also, for current clients of LexiConn that are not participating in the Affiliate Program, we will continue to offer a hosting credit for any new client referred to our services. The hosting credit will equal the base rate on the current client account for one month of service and this amount will be automatically deducted from the client's next invoice. To be eligible for this referral credit, LexiConn must be able to positively identify that the referral came from you. Simply have the new customer indicate that they were referred by you on their account signup form and you will be notified when we have credited your account with the referral bonus.