Updated: Saturday, March 3, 2001
NetherWorld is
a Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) role-playing game that has existed in one form or
another since 1993. Now on a permanent T1 server, NetherWorld is based on Merc
Diku 2.2 code, but has been heavily altered and updated.
So what is NetherWorld about? Here are a few of the features that NetherWorld offers players:
3 fully populated Continents and Oceans over 15000 rooms! 265 areas (90% original) built by our very own players and
immortals (A complete world!)
Over 4749 MOBS, 5008
Objects, 271 shops, and 849 Help files to guide you
20 Starting Races, 15 Classes, tons of spells and skills totaling over 6000 affects
Remort and reincarnation systems that allow
multiclassing and offer many, many more special races. Leveling opportunities
are practically unlimited!
Items Save with you, wherever you are! (No Renting)
Balanced EXP and Gold
Role-playing Clans, Limited Player
Killing, as well as anarchy zones.
Multiple Hometowns
Fully customizable ANSI color support
Purchase personalized Castles with guardian Mobs, corpse recovery,
your own personal healer, and more!
Automated questing, missions, trivia, Immortal ran quests with
An arena where characters of all levels may fight safely
Casinos for those who wish to try their luck
A well balanced mix of stock and new, original areas
A team of dedicated Immortals
NetherWorld also boasts many players who consider the realm to be their
second home. There is a reason for that! :)
Try our JAVA MUD
Client to connect to NetherWorld on the WWW.
Connect to NetherWorld thru telnet telmaron.com 3666
Here are some LINKS to other MUD resources.

Number of hits since October 4,

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Mud Administrator Email: nether@lexiconn.com
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